A Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Mould from Walls

Mould can be a persistent and unsightly problem in many homes. Not only does it look unpleasant, but it can also pose significant health risks if left untreated.

This comprehensive step-by-step guide will help you effectively remove mould from your walls, ensuring a cleaner and healthier living space. By following these eight simple steps, you'll learn how to identify the cause of mould growth, choose the right cleaning solution, and take preventive measures to stop future occurrences.

Each step is accompanied by detailed descriptions and helpful tips, making the process less daunting for even the most inexperienced homeowner. So, let's get started on restoring your walls to their former glory!

Step 1 - Identify the Source of Mould

The first step in effectively dealing with mould is identifying its source.

Mould is a living organism that thrives in damp, warm, and humid environments. It can grow on almost any surface and at any time of the year, often appearing as black, brown, or green spots. Understanding the common causes of mould is crucial in treating the problem and preventing future growth.

Poor Ventilation:

Poor ventilation is a common cause of mould growth. When air doesn't circulate properly, it can create pockets of stagnant moisture that mould thrives in. This can be due to:

  • Blocked Air Vents: Air vents are designed to facilitate airflow in and out of a room. When these vents are blocked, it can lead to poor ventilation and increased humidity, creating a conducive environment for mould growth.
  • Lack of Extractor Fans: Extractor fans are essential in home areas prone to high humidity, such as the bathroom and kitchen. Without them, steam and moisture can build up and lead to mould growth.
  • Insufficient Window Openings: Windows play a significant role in ventilation. If windows are not opened regularly to allow fresh and stale air out, it can increase humidity and mould growth.

Excess Moisture:

Excess moisture is another major contributor to mould growth. This can be due to:

  • Leaking Pipes or Appliances: Water leaks from pipes or appliances can lead to excess moisture in the home. Over time, this can result in mould growth if not addressed promptly.
  • Condensation on Windows: Condensation can often form on windows due to differences in temperature between the inside and outside of the home. If this condensation is not wiped away, it can drip down and create a damp environment where mould can grow.
  • High Humidity Levels: High humidity levels in the home can provide the perfect conditions for mould to thrive. This can be particularly problematic in rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen, with higher humidity levels.

Identifying the source of mould is the first step towards effectively treating and preventing it. Once the source has been identified, you can then take the necessary steps to address the issue and prevent future mould growth.

Remember, mould is not just an unsightly problem; it can pose significant health risks if left untreated. Therefore, dealing with mould issues promptly and effectively is essential. The next section will discuss the second step in the mould removal process: choosing the right cleaning solution.

Stay tuned for more detailed information and helpful tips on removing mould from your walls effectively.

Step 2 - Choose the Right Cleaning Solution

Choosing the right cleaning solution is crucial in removing mould from your walls. The type of solution you choose can greatly influence the effectiveness of the mould removal process.

Here, we explore both natural remedies and commercial products that can be used to tackle this issue.

Natural Remedies:

Natural remedies are great for those who want to avoid harsh chemicals. They are eco-friendly and can be highly effective in removing mould.

  • White Vinegar: White vinegar is a common household item that can be used to kill mould. Its acidic nature helps break down the mould structure, making removing it easier.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda, another common household item, is a mild, safe mould remover. It can be mixed with water or vinegar to create a cleaning solution.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is a natural fungicide that kills mould spores effectively. It's more expensive than other natural options, but a little goes a long way.
  • Clove Oil: Clove oil is another natural mould remover that kills the spores rather than just bleaching them. It's important to note that while it's a natural solution, it can still cause skin irritations and should be used cautiously.

Commercial Products:

Commercial products are specially formulated to tackle mould and can be particularly effective for severe infestations. Here are some options available:

  • Everbuild 404 Fungicidal Wash Moss Mould Remover: Available in both 5 Litre and 1 Litre Spray options, this fungicidal wash is a powerful solution for removing mould.
  • Sika Mould Buster Concentrate: This 5 Litre concentrate is a potent formula that kills moss, algae, and mould, making it a versatile cleaning solution.
  • Astonish Mould Mildew Blaster Antibacterial Surface Cleaner Spray: This 750ml spray is an antibacterial cleaner that specifically targets mould and mildew.

Remember, the choice of cleaning solution will depend on the severity of the mould infestation, the surface that needs cleaning, and personal preference. Ensure you follow the safety guidelines on the product label when utilising commercial items.

Step 3 - Protect Yourself and Your Surroundings

Before you dive into the mould removal task, it's crucial to ensure your safety and the protection of your surroundings. This step is often overlooked but is a fundamental part of the process. Here's how to go about it:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Wearing the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential when dealing with mould. This includes gloves, a face mask, and goggles.

Preparing the Area:

In addition to protecting yourself, it's equally important to safeguard your surroundings. Here's how:

  • Lay Down Plastic Sheeting: Cover the floor and any nearby items with plastic sheeting. This prevents mould spores from spreading and protects your belongings from potential damage caused by the cleaning solutions.
  • Remove or Cover Furniture: Remove furniture from the room if possible. If not, cover it with plastic sheeting to protect it from mould spores and cleaning solutions.
  • Open Windows for Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial when dealing with mould. It helps disperse any airborne mould spores and reduces the smell of the cleaning solutions.

Remember, safety should never be compromised. Following these guidelines protects you and ensures a more effective and efficient mould removal process.

Step 4 - Apply the Cleaning Solution

This section delves into the crucial cleaning solution application process for mould-affected areas. This step is pivotal in the mould removal process, and it's essential to execute it correctly to ensure the effective eradication of mould.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can be a safe and environmentally friendly way to tackle mould. These solutions often involve household items like vinegar or baking soda.

To use these remedies, you may need to dilute them with water, depending on their strength. Then the next step is to apply the solution to the affected areas using a spray bottle or a cloth. Finally, after application, allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the mould.

Commercial Products

For more stubborn mould, commercial products may be necessary. These products are specifically designed to combat mould and can be highly effective. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using these products. Some may require a direct application, while others must be applied with a cloth.

After applying the product, wait for the recommended time to allow the solution to work magic. One such product is the Everbuild 404 Fungicidal Wash Moss Mould Remover 5 Litre, a fungicidal treatment that removes mould across various surfaces, including tiles, wood, and painted surfaces.

Unlike bleach, which merely wipes the mould from the surface, this product kills it, making it a more effective solution.

Step 5 - Scrub and Rinse

Once the cleaning solution has had sufficient time to act, the next crucial step in our mould removal guide is to scrub the affected areas and rinse them thoroughly. This process is vital to completely remove mould spores, leaving your walls clean and free from mould.

Effective Scrubbing Techniques

The scrubbing process is an integral part of mould removal. It's important to use a soft-bristle brush to prevent any potential damage to your walls.

Scrub in circular motions, ensuring you cover every part of the mould-affected area. Gentle pressure should be applied to avoid damaging the wall surface. The aim is to eliminate the mould, not the wall paint or wallpaper.

Thorough Rinsing

Once the cleaning process is complete, it is essential to proceed with rinsing. Utilising a moist cloth or sponge to eliminate any remaining residue is recommended. It's important to rinse the cloth or sponge frequently during this process to prevent the spread of mould spores to other areas.

Once the area is rinsed, it's crucial to dry it thoroughly to prevent the recurrence of mould. For this process, a mould wash concentrate, such as Sika Mould Buster Concentrate, can be a more effective solution than bleach. This product is designed to kill mould and works across various surfaces, including tiles, wood, and painted surfaces. It doesn't just wipe the mould from the surface; it kills it, providing a more thorough and long-lasting solution to your mould problem.

Remember, the key to successful mould removal lies in the details. By carefully following these steps and using the right products, you can effectively remove mould from your walls and enjoy a healthier living space.

Step 6 - Dry the Wall

After the mould removal process, it is crucial to ensure that your wall is completely dry before moving on to the next steps. This is because any residual moisture can encourage the regrowth of mould, negating all your hard work.

Here are some methods to effectively dry your wall and check for residual moisture.

Drying Methods:

  • Use a Towel or Cloth: One of the simplest ways to dry your wall is by using a clean towel or cloth. Gently pat the wall to absorb any visible moisture. Be careful not to rub, which can damage the wall's surface.
  • Employ a Fan or Dehumidifier: Consider using a fan or a dehumidifier for a more thorough drying process. These devices can help speed up the evaporation of moisture, especially in areas with high humidity. Position the fan or dehumidifier to directly face the wall and leave it running until it is completely dry.
  • Allow Natural Air Circulation: Open your windows and doors to allow natural air circulation if the weather permits. Fresh air can help dry out your wall and reduce the overall humidity in your home.

Check for Residual Moisture:

  • Inspect for Damp Spots: Once you've dried the wall, visually inspect it for damp spots. These could indicate areas where moisture is still present. Pay particular attention to corners and areas behind furniture, as these can often be overlooked.
  • Use a Moisture Metre: If you want to be extra sure, consider using a moisture metre. This device can accurately measure the moisture level in your wall, ensuring that it is adequately dry. Moisture metres can be purchased from most home improvement stores.
  • Address Any Remaining Moisture Issues: If you find any areas that are still damp, repeat the drying process. Remember, it's essential to address any remaining moisture issues to prevent the recurrence of mould.

In drying your wall, it's important to remember that using the right products can make a significant difference.

Step 7 - Paint and Seal

After ensuring that the wall is completely dry, the subsequent action involves the application of a new layer of paint and sealant. This not only improves the visual attractiveness of your wall but also acts as a preventative measure to inhibit mould growth in the future.


When it comes to painting, it's crucial to choose mould-resistant paint.

A product such as Ronseal Anti Mould 6 Year Paint White Matt 750ml is an excellent choice. This paint is designed to resist mould growth for up to six years, providing long-lasting wall protection. Here are some steps to follow when painting:

  • Apply the first coat of mould-resistant paint. Ensure that you cover all areas of the wall evenly.
  • Allow the first coat to dry completely. The drying time may vary depending on the paint brand, so it's best to refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Once the first coat is dry, then it is time to apply a second coat. This ensures maximum coverage and protection.


After painting, the next step is to seal the wall. A mould-resistant sealant, such as the Everbuild Forever White Mould Shield Grout Reviver Whitener, can provide additional protection against mould. Here are some steps to follow when sealing:

  • Apply the mould-resistant sealant as per the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure to cover all areas of the wall.
  • Allow the sealant to dry completely. This may take several hours or even overnight.
  • To expedite the drying process and avoid the accumulation of fumes, it is essential to maintain adequate airflow throughout the application and drying phases.

By following these steps, you can effectively paint and seal your wall, providing a fresh, clean look and long-lasting protection against mould. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

Therefore, investing time and effort in these steps can save you from potential mould problems in the future.

Step 8 - Prevent Future Mould Growth

The final step in our comprehensive guide to removing mould from your walls is the most crucial one - preventing future mould growth. This step is all about addressing the root cause of the problem and implementing measures to ensure it doesn't recur.

Improve Ventilation

Improving the ventilation in your home is a key strategy in preventing mould growth. This can be achieved by installing extractor fans, particularly in areas prone to high humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Extractor fans extract humid air and introduce dry air from the outdoors, decreasing the overall moisture content within your residence. Alongside using extractor fans, clearing blocked vents and regularly opening windows are crucial to facilitate fresh air circulation. This practice holds particular significance in areas where steam is produced, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Reduce Moisture

Reducing moisture in your home is another effective way to prevent mould growth. This can be achieved by fixing leaks and repairing damaged pipes contributing to damp conditions.

Installing a dehumidifier can prove advantageous, especially in moisture-prone sections of your house. Dehumidifiers extract excessive moisture from the air, assisting in maintaining an ideal humidity level. Another effective method to minimise condensation, a frequent trigger for mould development, is by insulating your windows.

By reducing the condensation on your windows, you can help prevent the conditions in which mould thrives.

For an added layer of protection, consider using mould-resistant paint such as the Ronseal Anti Mould 6-Year Paint White Matt 2.5L. This paint not only helps to prevent mould growth but also provides a clean, matt finish that's perfect for any room in your home. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

By improving ventilation and reducing moisture in your home, you can help prevent future mould growth and maintain a healthier living environment.


Following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully remove mould from your walls and restore a clean, healthy living environment.

Remember that it is crucial to determine the underlying cause of mould growth, select the appropriate cleaning solution, and implement preventive measures to prevent future occurrences. Although mould removal might appear challenging, employing the correct tools and methods enables you to confront the issue effectively.

If you require further assistance or have questions about mould removal, please get in touch with us. Our team of experts is always on hand to help you maintain a mould-free home.